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How to Set Up Cloud Loopback: Captions for Multiple Speakers

How to Set Up Cloud Loopback: Captions for Multiple Speakers

What is Cloud Loopback? In order to caption multiple speakers on a Zoom call, Streamyard or any other platform, you will need to loopback audio from your meeting. This routes the sound into to generate captions. initially required users to install...

How to Use Speech to Text for Events: Best Practices

How to Use Speech to Text for Events: Best Practices

As virtual spaces and services become more common, so does speech-to-text software. Business professionals, content creators, and countless others use Artificial Intelligences (AI) like Siri, Alexa, Zoom, and more to provide shopping services, automatic captions,...

How to get YouTube Live automatic captions

How to get YouTube Live automatic captions

YouTube Live automatic captions: How to hide captions, display them, and improve captioning accuracy Captions make videos easier to understand and improve accessibility. They are especially important because most viewers mute their audio and watch videos without...

How to change the displayed length of captions from

How to change the displayed length of captions from

The purpose of the caption endpoint integration in is to display captions or translations in other platforms, like Zoom or Youtube Live. By default, text sent from is displayed broken up into smaller fragments. This is by design to improve readability,...

Youtube Livestream + integration for captions and translation

How to Set Up Zoom for Bidirectional Translation now supports bidirectional translation in Zoom! This means you can support two languages speaking in your meeting, and you can show the translation of the spoken language in the bottom third of the screen. Here’s how to set it up. Note that this currently only...

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