This tutorial assumes you have vMix installed and a session created. We will use automatic captioning/translation in this example, but other methods for releasing subtitles like manuscripts can work just as well.

If you’re looking for vMix captions and subtitles, can help you add them through the following steps:

  1. Set up automatic captioning/translation
  2. Open the overlay view for your session
  3. Enable subtitles
  4. Open vMix and add a local desktop capture input.
  5. Add a camera input
  6. Go to the camera input settings and set the Layers/Multi View
  7. Crop the desktop capture input to only show captions. 
  8. Speak and see the subtitles in vMix!

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Set up automatic captioning/translation

Follow the instructions to set up auto-captions and then return here.

Step 2: Open the overlay view for your session

Click on the “Overlay button for the session.

Step 3: Enable subtitles

In the overlay view,  open the overlays panel and enable subtitles. Click on the gear icon and select subtitle on the left menu to preview the subtitle appearance.

Step 4. Open vMix and add a local desktop capture input. 

    1. Click on NDI/ Desktop Capture
    2. Click on Local Desktop Capture
    3. Select the Display you want to use
    4. Click OK

Step 5. Add a camera input.

    1. Select Camera on the side panel
    2. Select the camera you want to use
    3. Click OK

Step 6. Go to the camera input settings and set the Layers/Multi view

    1. Click on Layers/Multi view
    2. Select desktop capture on layer 2
    3. Drag layer 2 to the middle of the preview window
    4. Click Layer 2 in the preview window
    5. Hold the shift key and move your mouse up or down to adjust the size of the desktop capture input so that the captions are at the desired size.

Step 7. Crop the desktop capture input to only show the captions/subtitles

    1. Click on Position in the left menu
    2. Select Layer 2 in the dropdown
    3. Adjust the “Crop Y1” and “Crop Y2” sliders to hide the top and bottom parts of the desktop capture screen to remove unwanted screen elements



Step 8: Speak and see the subtitles in vMix!

To test if the captions or subtitles appear in your vMix preview, turn on the microphone in, enable autopilot and begin speaking. You should see the words appear in vMix in the lower part of the screen!


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